A criminal justice professional should always demonstrate a commitment to ethica


A criminal justice professional should always demonstrate a commitment to ethical guidelines and behavior. This ethical commitment extends to program and policy evaluations.
Before responding to the prompt below, review the following sections from Chapter 3, “Evaluation Ethics,” of your course textbook, Program Evaluation:
Section 3.5.1, “AEA Guiding Principles for Evaluators”
Section 3.5.2, “AEA Evaluator Competencies”
Section 3.5.3, “AEA Cultural Competence Statement”
What ethical guidelines should a program evaluator in criminal justice consider when completing a program or policy evaluation? Consider the following processes examples:
Developing and/or implementing a program or policy
Designing evaluation design, methods, and data collection
Organizing people, resources, or finances
Interpreting or communicating evaluation results


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