a. Critical comments, critiques, and questions that came to your mind about the


a. Critical comments, critiques, and questions that came to your mind about the readings during the week. Items can be general, theoretical, philosophical, specific, personal, etc., but must address aspects of the reading for that day’s class. They should be in the form of short paragraphs which might include elaborate questions. (1 page)
a. A descriiption of your reflections on your experience of the process of exploring issues of diversity and difference this week. Please go for some depth here. This reflection does not need to focus on your experience of the class session this week. But around the emotions and feelings during class, during your readings and as the class impacts your experience in your day to day life. (1 page)
c. Finally, critical commentary on a news article you read in a more sophisticated news source, please be sure to add one international news source each week, the expectation is to broaden curiosity and to open discussion about not just the U.S but the world. The expectation of sources include (e.g., Aljazeera, AFP.com, The New York Times, BBC News, and/or reputable online blogs/journals — NOT The Chicago Reader, or The Red Eye). Apply concepts using the theories that will be discussed in class that week to your commentaries of the news item. You need to be very explicit in applying specific concepts to the news item.


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