Abstract of Colonial Pipeline 2021 Ransomware Attack Abstract In 2021, the Colon


Abstract of Colonial Pipeline 2021 Ransomware Attack Abstract In 2021, the Colonials Pipeline’s fell victim to a ransomware attack by the hacker group DarkSide, which resulted in the shutdown of one of the United States critical pipelines over the course of servral days. Through research, this essay explores the breach timeline, impacts, and security layers, while proposing strategies to harden systems against evolving ransomware threats. Research Project You will prepare and submit a research paper on a global cybersecurity topic. This topic should be something that covers a global attack, nation state actors, international cyberterrorism, or something of that nature. The topic of your choice will be assigned by and/or approved by your instructor. This project is an opportunity for you to personalize the concepts you are learning about in this course. You must follow the format given below for your final project. Topic • Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack of 2021 Please contact your instructor for further guidance on a topic. Project Components You will work on this project throughout the course and submit parts of it along the way. The finalized version of the project is due at the end of Module 8. • Main Research Paper – rough draft due week 4, final draft due week 8 Questions to be answered • In your research project, you will answer the following questions being sure to list subheadings corresponding to your Table of Contents. • What was the crime or breach? • How did the crime or breach become known: (e.g., IDS, logs, informer, etc.) • What were the incident responses? • How was the incident discovered? • What investigative tools, forensic tools, or other techniques were used? • How was the public/customers informed? • Discussion, Implications and Recommendations: In this section, you should provide a thorough discussion of your findings and the implications of your study. More specifically: • What are recommendations (technical and human policy) to prevent future similar crimes or breaches? • Table of Contents: This lists the sections of your paper with corresponding Page numbers. The list should include: • Tables and figures if you included more than two • Appendices, if included • APA formatted reference section listing sources used • References: You cannot use your textbook as your primary source of Information. You must draw on other sources such as books, websites, business journals, legal and compliance journals, government agencies, professional associations, industry standards, etc.


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