Assignment: Art Evaluation Objective: Choose a contemporary piece of art from an


Assignment: Art Evaluation Objective: Choose a contemporary piece of art from an in-person or online museum and analyze it using the Viewer Response method and the “See, Think, Wonder” method. The art piece must be created within the last five years. Avoid galleries and focus on museum pieces. Instructions: Describe: Describe your selected piece of art using the elements and principles learned in this unit. Focus on visual descriptions, not interpretations. Identify the primary and secondary elements in the piece. Explain the principles used to construct the art. Interpret: Discuss what you think the art piece means and why. Use the elements and principles to support your interpretation. Judge: Make a judgment call about the piece. Explain whether you think it is good or not and provide reasons for your opinion. Submission Requirements: Minimum of 300 words in MLA style essay format. Submit as a .doc or .docx file. Include a picture of the art piece. Your essay should have at least three paragraphs: an introduction, a body paragraph for each of the three sections (Describe, Interpret, Judge), and a conclusion. No sources are allowed; the work must be 100% original. The submission will be checked for plagiarism through SafeAssign. Recommendation: Use Smarthinking for editing your work before submission. More information can be found in the syllabus. Note: Reading criticism online is acceptable for learning purposes, but do not copy anyone’s words. This will be considered plagiarism.


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