Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, and Orangutans are the most closely related to h


Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, and Orangutans are the most closely related to humans across the animal kingdom. Indeed, if we compare human DNA to the Great Apes we find 98% similarity with Chimpanzees and Bonobos, 96% similarity with Gorillas, and 97% similarity with Orangutans.
In this project, please choose one (1) Great Ape ( ) to answer the questions below. Please provide at least three (3) quotes from the textbook in your responses. Each quote needs to include the Chapter and page number in parentheses. 
Social Groups
How does the Great Ape you have chosen resolve conflicts in their social groups?
Are there clear leaders among your Great Ape? If so, how do leaders gain and maintain their special status in the group?
Parental Investment
How long until young members of your Great Ape become independent?
What kind of relationship do parents have with their young?
Mating and Reproduction
How do members find potential mates for intercourse and reproduction?
What are some important details in the social behavior surrounding mating?
Compare and contrast human anatomy to your Great Ape’s anatomy. How are we physically similar and/or different to your Great Ape? Consider similarities/differences concerning our feet, hands, legs, arms, teeth, etc.
Physical Anthropology
What can we learn about humans by studying the Great Apes?
What does your Great Ape teach us about human evolution?


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