First, watch this video on soft skills: 11.1 (p. 36


First, watch this video on soft skills:
11.1 (p. 362) Workplace Conflict Resolution: Putting the Six-Step Procedure to Work – You will be completing this assignment individually (the assignment mentions teamwork). Respond to all 5 of the scenarios that are listed. Explain how you would handle each situation (be thorough – write in complete sentences). Due as file attachment to the assignment’s drop box. Use MLA format (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, put your name at the top). You must use the six-step process for dealing with conflict (figure 11.6 at the bottom of page 351) useful to apply to this assignment.
Textbook: Guffey, Mary Ellen and Dana Loewy. Essentials of Business Communication. 12th Ed. Boston: Cengage. ISBN-13: 9780357715048


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