For this assignment, you will begin pulling the research paper together and submit your rough draft. The rough draft does not have to be complete, but it should include the works cited page.
Research Paper Self-Editing Checklist: ENG1123 Research Paper Editing Checklist DC (1).pdfDownload ENG1123 Research Paper Editing Checklist DC (1).pdf
Research Paper Guidelines:
The research paper will consist of FIVE-to-SIX pages of text and works cited information.
The research paper must contain an original title, header, and running head, and the works cited information must begin on a separate page from the text and should include the running head.
The research paper—including all header information and the works cited information—must be type-written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Avoid first-person and second-person pronouns and contractions.
Review the MLA Formatting Guidelines for the research paper.
Research Paper Layout:
Try to avoid being overwhelmed by writing the research paper; instead, think about building it piece by piece following the outline you created.
Remember, all sources used in the final draft of the research paper must be listed on the works cited page, and all the sources listed on the works cited page must be cited in the final draft of the research paper.
Works Cited Page:
All sources (even if you have not used them in the paper at this point) should be included in this draft.
The annotations SHOULD NOT be included on the works cited page.
The works cited entries should be listed by the author’s last name or the title if the article does not have an author.
View a sample research paper Download sample research paper.
Important Points to Note While Writing:
Avoid First and Second Person Pronouns
When writing your research paper, avoid using first-person pronouns and second-person pronouns.
First Person Pronouns: I, we, me, us, my, our, mine, ours
INCORRECT: I believe that the government should enact stricter gun control laws.
CORRECT: The government should enact stricter gun control laws.
Second Person Pronouns: you, your, yours
INCORRECT: You should avoid making overly hasty decisions about the death penalty.
CORRECT: People should avoid making overly hasty decisions about the death penalty.
Always Tie Quotes in with Your Own Words
All quotes must be tied in with your own words. You should never just drop a quote in a paper. See below for an example.
INCORRECT: “Assault rifles should be banned from sales in which no background check is required” (Logan 869).
CORRECT: Many agree that “assault rifles should be banned from sales in which no background check is required” (Logan 869).
CORRECT: According to Logan, “Assault rifles should be banned from sales in which no background check is required” (869).