How is Choice Theory applicable to cyber-crimes? As you begin to answer the que


 How is Choice Theory applicable to cyber-crimes?
As you begin to answer the question, note the following theoretical dynamics ( APA sections) :
Consider the assumptions of other crime causation theories. 
Can other theories also be applied to cyber-crime interpretations?
Why is it important to utilize crime causation theories to interpret cyber-crimes?
Is there a particular theory for cyber-crimes?
Why or why not?
Students are expected to critically analyze, evaluate, and report on a cybercrime or cybersecurity topic listed in the Tentative Schedule. The report will be broken down into three different parts referred to as mini-papers (60 points each) 180 total points and will be checked by Turnitin, the plagiarism detection services.  The report must be double-spaced, with 1.0-inch margins, using Times New Roman 12 point type and at least two pages long ( a minimum of 1200 words) to properly answer the question. Of the total works cited ( that is at least three References)  one should be from academic journals or books published by an academic press.  The references should be identified  in APA format and located at the end of each mini paper.  


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