Initial Post Dissemination of information is an integral part of the evidence-ba


Initial Post Dissemination of information is an integral part of the evidence-based practice (EBP) process. It is defined as active approaches to provide specific research evidence to a particular audience (Roberts et al., 2023). Patient and medical health practices are in a constant state of change; it is imperative that as the shift evolves, the information is being communicated adequately to the necessary stakeholders. Sharing EBP projects and initiatives is vital in maintaining the fluidity of innovative practices. There are various ways of expressing new EBP information. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2023), preparing and planning are vital when disseminating EBP within nursing. Communication includes posters, writing papers, health policy briefs, or media modes. Propper planning and preparation often increase confidence and reduce anxiety (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023). As a nurse, I have held various hats and responsibilities. Communicating new information was vital to my previous role. One of the projects I managed was the Eat, Sleep, Console (ESC) project initiative at our local hospital. My goal was to focus on communicating the initiative aspects to our unit and our community. Due to the sensitivity of the information, it was vital for me to research and provide factual and relevant information to our community-based population, making it imperative that I understood my audience, purpose, and goals. Although I am very anxious and shy, oral presentations were the most successful at providing this evidence-based information and policy change. According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2023), “conference presentations offer rich and dynamic opportunities to share and learn knowledge and enhance clinical expertise pertaining to EBP, evidence-based quality improvement, case studies, program evaluation, and research” (p. 665). Additionally, when using the oral presentation as a dissemination strategy to communicate EBP information, one must understand the presentation guidelines and audience characteristics (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2023). It is also essential to consider the audience’s educational level, current knowledge of the subject, interest, and background and understand their commitment to the information provided; all this information will prepare and help plan the presentation. I chose this strategy because it is a great way to have dual interaction with the audience; it offers opportunities to ask questions and discuss any immediate concerns. Adding slides to the presentation is a great way to enhance the experience, see numbers, and present information with references. It is a great way to engage the audience (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023). Another way to disseminate EBP information is by using posters during organizational meetings such as unit staff meetings. When developing the ESC policy, posters became an excellent resource for our unit staff. Poster presentations are a great way to engage the audience and include EBP information, resources, and timelines (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023). They provide material that can be placed in various locations to give the audience opportunities to review later (Beckett & Powell, 2021). Organizational meetings offer opportunities to discuss the information further in a more personal environment and allow time to debate opinions, questions, and concerns. Like any other oral presentation, it is crucial to plan and prepare, fully understanding the information you are presenting and the audience receiving it. Oral presentations in a community-based environment and oral presentations using posters in organizational meetings are great ways to disseminate EBP research information. However, many barriers and issues can occur. Obstacles such as needing to understand the audience entirely, especially in a community-based environment, can cause the audience to fluctuate and change. When using PowerPoint slides during meetings, failed or unreliable internet connections can also become a barrier. When presenting information about the ESC program to our community-based outreach programs, I needed help to engage the audience. Only some individuals are comfortable discussing newborn addiction; learning multiple angles of the information and discussion and when to use them was important. Organizational issues, limited professional opportunities, article accessibility, and time constraints are all barriers that can limit the use of oral presentations as a dissemination strategy; however, according to Roberts et al. (2023), when using social media, these issues are eliminated. Media engagement is one of the most influential platforms today. Social media, specifically, is accessible to anyone. Although it is a great way to provide information, I am the least inclined to use this dissemination strategy. I am most comfortable discussing information in a face-to-face environment; I like to “read the room,” and I like to give opportunities to examine concerns and questions; using a media platform significantly limits this process. I am most confident and comfortable presenting in person rather than utilizing a media platform; I do not feel I would be as successful. Overcoming the fear of the unknown audience could assist me in gaining confidence and eventually using such a powerful platform as media engagement; what limits me significantly is my confidence level. References Beckett, C. D., & Powell, J. (2021). Dissemination of Evidence-Based Practice Projects: Key Strategies for Successful Poster Presentations. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, pp. 158–160. Advanced online publication. to an external site. Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2023). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. Roberts-Lewis, S. F., Baxter, H. A., Mein, G., Quirke-McFarlane, S., Leggat, F. J., Garner, H. M., Powell, M., White, S., & Bearne, L. (2023). The Use of Social Media for Dissemination of Research Evidence to Health and Social Care Practitioners: Protocol for a Systematic Review. JMIR research protocols, p. 1


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