It is time to connect with classmates this week while you discuss and analyze im


It is time to connect with classmates this week while you discuss and analyze important Chapter 24 topics.  Answer one of the following in a minimum of 100 words by Friday and respond to one other student in a minimum of 50 words by Sunday. Be sure that you cover one topic in your answer and the other topic in at least one of your responses. This connected discussion is an informal discussion and citations are not mandatory this week.  Open up and share your thoughts on your chosen prompt and remember to be respectful of the feelings of others!
Connected Discussion Questions:
Prompt One: Section 6.1 –  How did Gandhi work to encourage nationalism and independence through non-violent means? Why was he so successful? 
Prompt Two: Section 6.2 – What types of changes did China endure between the two world wars? Why do you feel this would lead to their fall to Communism in 1949? 


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