Jericho Brown’s “Say Thank You Say I’m Sorry” 1. What is it that Jericho Brown w


Jericho Brown’s “Say Thank You Say I’m Sorry”
1. What is it that Jericho Brown wants us to say “Thank You” & “I’m Sorry” for? Please explain. Make sure to develop a focused analysis that makes a point and uses evidence (quotes) from the story to illustrate and support. Don’t just simply make a list of examples.
2. One of the themes that runs throughout this poem are the “forgotten people” (beyond just the grocery store workers). Who are the forgotten people & why? Make sure to develop a focused analysis that makes a point and uses evidence (quotes) from the story to illustrate and support. Don’t just simply make a list of examples 
Introduction (Keep very brief).
– Introduce yourself (Full Name).
– Introduce your chosen work (Title Name & Author Name) & chosen Option:
*Example: “My chosen text is Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” and I will be discussing
how this story functions as a coming-of-age story” (*this is your thesis).
II. Body of Work (Structure similarly to an essay using as many examples as necessary).
– Example One.
– Transition: “The first example of how Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” represents a
coming-of-age story is . . .”
– Make sure to frame your textual evidence, don’t simply quote & expect the
reader to understand what’s happening. Describe the scene. Give the viewer
context before jumping into the quotes. And yes, I do expect you to read your
quotes from the text for posterity.
– Make sure you “cite” by telling the viewer the page number.
– Make sure you EXPLAIN SPECIFICALLY how the evidence supports your
thesis. Don’t assume the viewer knows & will accept your word. Explain
– Example Two.
– Transition: “Another example of how Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” represents a
coming-of-age story is . . .”
– Same as above.
– Continue with this structure for all examples.
Conclusion (Keep very brief)
-closing remarks 
– Be creative 


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