Mod 1 Discussion Informal vs. Formal After reading the two articles for this mod


Mod 1 Discussion Informal vs. Formal
After reading the two articles for this module (attached below), discuss their similarities and differences. Which article is more representative of formal writing versus informal writing? What characteristics or qualities lead you to draw your conclusions? Draw on specific examples from the articles to support your claims. Please craft your response in 2 well-written paragraphs.
In the first paragraph, briefly summarize the main points from each article. Include the titles and authors of each in your summary.
In a second paragraph, identify which article is an example of formal writing and which is an example of informal writing. Explain your reasons by referring to specific examples from each article. Examine the organization, style, diction, syntax, data, and references for each article.
Include an APA citation for each article (refer to the Concise Guide for APA Style sections 10.1 for journal articles and 10.1 # 17 for a blog post
Edit your writing for spelling, complete sentences, grammar, and punctuation.
Article 1:


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