part one: Color is all around us, but just how deeply integrated is the phenomen


part one:
Color is all around us, but just how deeply integrated is the phenomenon of color into our senses and neural pathways? Describe trichromatic theory and opponent-process theory of color vision, including the observations on which it is based and the physiological basis of each theory. Lastly, watch the video on synaethesia below, and discuss what it means to say that color is created by the nervous system. Explain what everyday life would be like for an individual with the disorder, including its impact on occupation, relationships, and leisure time. Be sure to include how the disorder might affect the person’s behaviors and experiences in these settings. part two: Also, required for each Discussion are three (3) replies to at least three different classmates. Discussions are scholarly dialogs, so while sharing what you think and not just what published authors wrote is encouraged, only stating opinion isn’t acceptable. Instead, thoughtfully integrate relevant theory and research you read about this week and strive to make connections between that academic content and your own observations and experiences. Formal citations are not required in the discussions.
Your responses to the postings of other students should be relevant and substantive. Reply posts containing just a few sentences or statements of agreement or disagreement only or that stray away from the topic or repeat what another classmate has already said in his or her posts does not demonstrate substantive discussion.
(Classmate discussions are attached)


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