Please see the attached Research paper instruction. It is to write a critical an


Please see the attached Research paper instruction. It is to write a critical analysis of the link in the attached using minimum of 6, including the primary article, sources with details specified in the instruction as well. Please ensure the paper is written in American English language/terminology and all sources must have a URL or doi listed on the reference page.
The paper must be written in critical analysis format. While the instructions identify a numerical value of questions to be answer, it is not meant to be written in numerical fashion. The questions should be the basis to which the paper is written and must be answered throughout in context or relationship to the provision of a free and appropriate public education to students with complex needs.
Peer-Reviewed Article:
Ní Bhroin, Ó., & King, F. (2019). Teacher education for inclusive education: a framework for developing collaboration for the inclusion of students with support plans. European Journal of Teacher Education, 43(1), 38–63.


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