Required Uniform Assignment (RUA) We Can, But Dare We? RUA 4: We


Required Uniform Assignment (RUA)
We Can, But Dare We?
RUA 4: We Can But Dare We paper that is due at the end of week 4. Below is the scenarioand the optional endings you need to choose from for your paper. Logistics and details regarding the paper can be found in the attached RUA 4: We Can But Dare We grading rubric.
You are a department of health nurse responding to an epidemic, Bacterium L21, in your county. As a registered nurse investigator analyzing patient data to discover a trend and treatment options, you are tasked with collecting and analyzing real patient data daily. This epidemic has impacted all levels of the community including government officials, singers, actors, etc. While reviewing data, you stumble across a familiar name, which happens to be the name of one of your legislators, Senator Ronaldo. Upon determining this, you happen to take a photo of the data and post about the finding on social media.
To complete this paper, please choose one of the outcomes or listed in the We Can But Dare We rubric.
A HIPAA violation occurs, and client data is exposed to the media.
A medication error has harmed a client.
A technology downtime that impacts patient care occurs, and an error is made.
A ransomware attack has occurred, and the organization must contemplate paying the ransom or lose access to patient data
Keep working on your Technology Presentation Project, which is due at the end of Unit 6. The guidelines and grading rubrics are linked in the Syllabus and on the Assignments page. You will be assigned to a team and provided a topic, both of which are final. Your team will create a presentation to share in the discussions in Unit 8. Informatics depends upon the essential skills of communication, as does nursing in general. This team assignment focuses on building these skills.
APA Format
I want to remind everyone that the use of APA format is required. If you feel you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and we can discuss any items you need to. Once again, please utilize the APA textbook you have or visit the Owl Purdue website for assistance on proper APA formatting.
Also, your paper will automatically be submitted to Turnitin, a software program that evaluates your work for plagiarism. Upon submission, you will get a Similarity Index score, which should be less than 24%. All marginal or high scores will be reviewed, so please be sure to write your paper in your own words, but still properly cite the original work of the resources you use.
Be creative! Give your paper a title other than “RUA 3: We Can, But Dare We?” and use your writing style, with proper APA formatting, to give your opinions. Of course, back up your claims with literature! to an external site.
I look forward to a great week!
Dr. Walsh
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