Research Proposal Assignment (3 x 50 points, 150 points total) Students will wri


Research Proposal Assignment (3 x 50 points, 150 points total)
Students will write different research proposals on legal issues topics that they are interested in.Topic( sponsorship effect on sports businesses)
Students will write a 1 – 2 page proposal for your research topic. Your proposal should include sections detailed below to persuade me that this is a good area of research for a paper. Remember most of you are taking Research Methods in the Fall and this could help kickstart this process for you. The sections should include the following:
Overview – In paragraph form (not bullet points), briefly describe your research topic, key terms, and necessary information. Please cite at least two sources (not from the readings) to show you are starting to engage with the conversation around your topic.
Personal Connection – What is the topic’s link to your interest? Does it relate to your professional life, academic interests, future goals, and personal experiences?
Research Question – List at least 1 – 2 research questions that you would like to find out.


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