Students will then develop a historically relevant question that analyzes variou


Students will then develop a historically relevant question that analyzes various aspects of Western Civilizations
Students will need to develop questions that address questions of how or why rather than factually based questions, students want an analytical essay and not a report
Primary source material includes sources from the studied period and can include, but are not limited to: letters, histories, journals, paintings, architecture, sculpture, etc.
Acceptable secondary source material would include, but is not limited to scholarly journal articles, appropriate scholarly databases and websites (official museums and libraries), historical documentaries that demonstrate rigorous scholarly research, etc.
Students should consult the assigned reader, online librarian, or instructor for assistance in obtaining sources
Students will then write a formal 2500-3000-word analytical essay that presents a clear argument or thesis that secondary and primary sources may support
Essays should be submitted as a PDF or DOCX
Format should include Times New Roman 12-in font, standard margins, and double-spaced
Proper citations should be used for all references made to the source along with a Works Cited page using the Chicago style
May use annotated bibliography for at least 4 primary and 4 secondary sources
Category  Outstanding Very Good Average Poor
20 Points
The purpose of the project is clear. The audience has a clear idea of the point of the project. The purpose of the project is relatively clear. The audience may have a relative idea of the purpose of the project, but may have to infer somewhat. The purpose of the project is relatively clear, though the audience may have to infer or use contextual clues. There is some vagueness in the presentation or cohesion of the project. The purpose of the project is obscure. The audience has little understanding of what is the point of the presentation.
Subject Knowledge and Perspective
40 Points
The quality of the project exhibits expert knowledge and accuracy of the historical figures, events, and/or eras. The perspective (or point of view) is realistic and research-based.
The quality of the project exhibits near expert knowledge and accuracy of the historical figures, events, and/or eras. The perspective (or point of view) is mostly realistic and research-based. The quality of the project exhibits some expert knowledge and accuracy of the historical figures, events, and/or eras. The perspective (or point of view) is somewhat realistic and research-based. The quality of the project exhibits little expert knowledge and accuracy of the historical figures, events, and/or eras. The perspective (or point of view) is not realistic nor research-based.
20 Points
The sources used were appropriate and added substantial research and information to the project. At least five primary sources and five secondary sources were used.
The sources used were mostly appropriate and added strong research and information to the project. At least four primary sources and four secondary sources were used. The sources used were somewhat appropriate, but only added mediocre research and information to the project. Fewer than four primary sources and four secondary sources were used. The sources used were not always appropriate and added little research and information to the project. Fewer than four primary sources and four secondary sources were used.
Overall Production, including Writing
20 Points
The project exhibits outstanding evidence of clear and creative originality.
All written aspects of the project are of high professional quality, including grammar, punctuation, spelling, and paragraph construction.
The project exhibits very strong evidence of clear and creative originality.
All written aspects of the project are of very high professional quality, including grammar, punctuation, spelling, and paragraph construction.
The project exhibits average evidence of clear and creative originality.
The written aspects of the project  were inconsistent and did not always meet the level of high professional quality. These aspects included grammar, punctuation, spelling, and paragraph construction.
The project exhibits little evidence of clear and creative originality.
The written aspects of the project  were below average and did not meet the level of high professional quality. These aspects included grammar, punctuation, spelling, and paragraph construction.


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