The following are items that should be addressed in your Policy Issue paper. 1.


The following are items that should be addressed in your Policy Issue paper. 1. Policy Problem Statement (10%) **Note: Do not include a policy solution. 2. Evidence used to Describe the Source and Background of the Problem (80% overall) – What is the health issue (e.g., disease, disability, service characteristic)? (10%) -What are the important dimensions of the problem? (25%) *Who is affected by the problem (characteristics of the population affected)? *How are they affected by disease,disability, death, other? – What is the scope and severity of the problem? -What are the trends? -What are the underlying causes of the problem? 3. Describe the significance of the problem (25%) – What are the consequences of not addressing the problem? -What is the impact on other important issues such as the economy, education, etc.? 4. Prior/current efforts (policy or other) to address the issue (10%) – Describe prior efforts to address the issue (examples) – How well have those efforts succeeded? 5. Identify key stakeholders and their issues related to the health problem (Table Format in appendix, describe briefly in text) (10%) – Population directly affected including any special populations – General population – Governmental agencies – Provider groups, health organizations, etc. -Employers – Non-profit organizations – Other 3. Provide a concise summary of the issue and the importance of addressing the issue (10%) 4. References for the data and information in this section – Provide references in APA format


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