The Human Journey  Chapter 1 start with the world’s beginnings and run through


The Human Journey
 Chapter 1 start with the world’s beginnings and run through the launch of the agricultural revolution and the emergence of villages. Within this Discussion Board, consult the textbook and post a primary posting telling how and why three moments, actions, or events were historically significant.  BE SURE TO THINK ABOUT THESE BEFORE YOU POST; YOU MUST NOT JUST PARAPHRASE FROM OR COPY THE BOOK. You should write about one paragraph each for your chosen topics, so about three total paragraphs. Then respond to one other primary posting with about a 100 word reply in which you respond to a classmate’s posting. BE SURE TO TELL HOW, WHY, YOU HAVE THE OPINION YOU HAVE ON THAT POST, WITHOUT JUST RETYPING OR REPHRASING WHAT STUDENT POSTED. 


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