This week we have looked at some aspects of emergency management roles and respo


This week we have looked at some aspects of emergency management roles and responsibilities, including but not limited to coordination, standards, education, and tasks completed in-between emergencies.
Compare what you thought about one of these aspects before starting this course and what you think after completing this module.
I encourage you to share your own experiences with emergency management, whether they are as a working practitioner, a person in need, or a news spectator. Relate these experiences to one or more of the aspects discussed in this module. Below are Sources can be used to cover above points in this assignment ( note: the writer not require to use all below sources just can use some of them to give him clear idea what kind of information can be used in this assignment
M2 Readings 1
Complete the following readings and videos for this module prior to class on 1/29:
Canton, Lucien G. 2020. Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs. Second edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Inter Science.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Please complete the following addendums on the next few pages:
Video: The Essential Emergency Manager
Video: Thesis Series: A New Role for Emergency Management – Fostering Trust to Enhance Collaboration
Paper: Coordination in Rapidly Evolving Disaster Response Systems: The Role of Information
Paper: Organizational Culture and the Katrina Response in Louisiana
Video:Emergency Management 101: The Role of Emergency Management in Local Government
M2 Readings 2
The Essential Emergency Manager
Start this module by reading Chapter 3 in your textbook.
Then watch this short video with an interesting description of what emergency managers do. As you watch, take some notes. The video will crop up again in Module 8.
The Essential Emergency ManagerLinks to an external site. [time to watch: 4:54]
M2 Readings 3
Emergency Managers Working Together
As much as we all concede that coordination and cooperation is an essential component of emergency management, many times it still fails in practice. But there are different levels of working together. While it is essential that emergency managers as individuals are able to work together, they must also be able to work within a group to accomplish tasks, and that group must work with other groups within their own organization. Furthermore, those individuals and groups of one organization must also find ways to work successfully with individuals and groups from other organizations. We saw the failure of this in Module 1, especially with regards to Hurricane Katrina. Here we’ll revisit that but look at the issues through some other lenses.
First, watch the following video in which a graduate student explains his thesis research:
Theses Series: A New Role for Emergency Management – Fostering Trust to Enhance CollaborationLinks to an external site.
Now read the following two journal articles concerning coordination. As you read, reflect upon your own experiences with coordination and cooperation, not only in the realm if emergency management but also in other aspects of your life. How can the information in these two articles be combined to enhance professional relationships among emergency managers in practice?
Coordination in Rapidly Evolving Disaster Response Systems: The Role of Information
Organizational Culture and the Katrina Response in Louisiana
Comfort, Louise K., Kilkon Ko, and Adam Zagorecki. 2004. Coordination in rapidly evolving disaster response systems: the role of information. The American Behavioral Scientist Nov 2004, 48 (3): 295-313
Dowty, Rachel, Peter J. May, Colin E. Beech and William A. Wallace. 2011. Organizational culture and the Katrina Response in Louisiana. Chapter 2 in Dynamics of Disaster: Lessons on Risk, Response, and Recovery. Rachel Dowty and Barbara Allen (eds.) London: Earthscan. Pp. 29-46.
M2 Readings 4
The Role of the Emergency Manager
Skim over Chapter 3 (“The Emergency Manager: Evolving Roles and Shifting Paradigms”) in your textbook just to refresh your memory on what you’ve already read. Then watch the video of Jeff Copeland of Hillsborough County Emergency Management explain the role of emergency management in local government.
Emergency Management 101: The Role of Emergency Management in Local GovernmentLinks to an external site.[time to watch: 7:51]


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