Watch the 3-minute intro video to this module,


Watch the 3-minute intro video to this module,
Then read the handoutand watch the 13-minute video “Racial Identity Models Explained”, produced by two college students.
Using the Racial Identity Development Modelshandout, pick a racial identity development model that speaks to your racial identity, and reflect on what it means to you and where you are in your journey by answering the questions below. 
What To Turn In:
Answer the following FIVE questions: 
Which racial identity development model did you choose to focus on (include name of model and name of person who developed it – for example, you would write/say “I chose the White Racial Identity Model developed by Janet Helms”)? (No Minimum Length)
Can you think of a moment when the issue of race was particularly salient for you (perhaps a time when you were younger) and forced you to think about YOUR own racial or ethnic identity? For some of you, this will be very young and for others it will be more recent. (Minimum Length = 200 words)
Which stage or stages do you identify the most with now? In addition to giving the name of the stage, please describe how that stage is defined by the author but in your own words. MOST IMPORTANTLY, give at least two examples for why you feel you this stage (or stages) is most salient for you now. (Minimum Length = 200 words)
Reflect on a stage you either have been in (but aren’t now) or alternatively reflect on a stage you would like to be in. If it is a stage from the past, describe what that felt like. If reflecting on a stage you would like to be in, discuss how you see yourself moving toward that stage. Feel free to reflect on both: where you have been and where you want to go. (Minimum Length = 100 words)
What was easiest about this assignment? What was hardest? (No Minimum Length)
Latino Identity Orientations (Bernardo Ferdman and Plácida I. Gallegos, 2001) Would fit because I am Mexican American 


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