You will produce an original critical textual analysis of a cultural text (a nov


You will produce an original critical textual analysis of a cultural text (a novel, a film, an episode of a TV show, a musical album, a music video, etc.) of your choice. Your analysis should combine the methods of close reading and contextual analysis in order to produce a holistic and robust analysis of your chosen cultural object. Your analysis should engage with course themes and aim to demonstrate why your selected cultural object is important for understanding the social world. If you are struggling to get started and need ideas for where to begin, review the readings of the course. Most of these are good examples of critical textual analysis and can help you brainstorm for your own analysis.
should be five to seven pages, double-spaced and in a standard font, like Times New Roman.
You should engage with at least three readings I attached.
You should cite all sources in Chicago Author-Date style with in-text citations.
should reflect and engage with course themes.
A little context about the class: American Studies helps us understand America through diverse perspectives, not only through a historical lense. There’s a creative element to this class, in how you intertwine social issues with politics, historical facts, and the present, can provide you a unique perspective on why America is the way it is today


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