hello,I need help with this assignment: The completed Teaching Lab is due in thi


hello,I need help with this assignment:
completed Teaching Lab is due in this unit. Students will create a
Video Screencast, which the student will thoroughly discuss the topic
chosen and presented in a manner that makes the concept clear and
understandable, as well showcase an example. In theory, you will be
“teaching” that topic within a short screencast. Make sure to actually
use your IDE to help show code within your example. In Unit 10, you chose a topic to discuss. If needed, review Unit 10 submission. The video screencast will be NO SHORTER THAN FIVE MINUTES BUT NO LONGER THAN TEN MINUTES in length.
You will be using Kaltura which
is built-into Blackboard. Kaltura allows you to capture everything on
your screen. You will upload the video/screencast to My Media and will share the video/screencast within Blackboard Discussion board. To access the discussion board, click the link below this section. Review the Reading Material for tutorials on using Kaltura from Unit 10. Review attached rubric. the topic is Explain Ajax and showcase how it can be used with an example.
please use this example https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ajax-tutorial/.
you dont need to create a vedio, I will do it. I need just to create a programe and explanation.


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