This is a required assignment, 400-500-words, worth 10 pts, DUE Sunday. Week Two


This is a required assignment, 400-500-words, worth 10 pts, DUE Sunday.
Week Two: Weekly Russell Roundup / Critical Reflection
After completing this week’s assigned chapters of Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy as well as the other required readings, do the following:
First, briefly reflect upon your personal experience of reading Bertrand Russell this week. Did you find the reading easy? Difficult? Interesting? Confusing? What single statement of Russell’s did you understand the best?
Then, tie together any theories, themes, concepts, important ideas, or overarching arguments that you personally discovered in your reading in the Problems of Philosophy with the particular philosophical views and the general content covered in the other readings.
For example, in Week Two, you will be briefly summarizing your own understanding of Chapters V-VIII in The Problems of Philosophy. Write in the first person voice, describing how you did with the challenging concepts, etc.
Then consider how what Russell says links up with, adds to, or even conflicts with the philosophical views and ideas of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. There will be plenty of material that will invite comparison and analysis. Be creative and candid. Tie it all to your experience to give your essay your individual stamp of originality. General summaries of the readings in Bertrand Russell will not be accepted. You may submit your “Round Up” as a file attachment or simply write it directly into the text editor, but it’s best to save your work in a file so you don’t risk losing it if your computer shuts down). Please pay careful attention to grammar, spelling, word use, and writing style; in other words, proofread your work before submitting it.
Quote Russell directly and the other Philosopher(s) you choose to bring in, at least once each. Provide proper documentation (internal citations with exact page numbers, and a Works Cited, or References section, with retrieval dates). No late posts accepted except for extenuating circumstances, and by pre-arrangement.
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Rubric Name: Russell Round Up Grading Rubric
Needs Improvement
Criterion Score
Summary & Critical Reading
2 points
Essay neutrally and
synthesizes the
main ideas and
arguments in the considered texts, along with key supporting claims, in
decidedly original language. Demonstrates deep intellectual engagement with and understanding of material.
1.6 points
Essay accurately
summarizes the main argument in original
language though
summary may be overly general, vague
or overlook key supporting claims.
Engagement with material is surface-level; limited, if accurate, understanding of material
1.4 points
Essay captures some of the main ideas, though missing a summary of the larger argument.
May only be partly original language. Little engagement with text and/or partial understanding of material. May interject opinion rather than neutrally summarizing the author’s ideas.
1.1 points
Mainly quotes from or relies too heavily
on original wording and/ or inaccurately
represents the author’s argument and/ or summary
focuses on personal
opinion rather than neutrally presenting the text. Demonstrates little to no engagement with the
text; possible misunderstanding of material.
Score of Summary & Critical Reading,
/ 2
Depth of Reflection
1.5 points
Essay demonstrates an in-depth
reflection on, and personalization
of, the theories, concepts, and/or
strategies presented in the course
materials to date. Viewpoints and
interpretations are insightful and
well supported. Clear, detailed
examples are provided, as
1.2 points
Essay demonstrates a general
reflection on, and personalization
of, the theories, concepts, and/or
strategies presented in the course
materials to date. Viewpoints and
interpretations are supported.
Appropriate examples are
provided, as applicable
0.105 points
Essay demonstrates a minimal
reflection on, and personalization
of, the theories, concepts, and/or
strategies presented in the course
materials to date. Viewpoints and
interpretations are unsupported or
supported with flawed arguments.
Examples, when applicable, are not
provided or are irrelevant to the
0.825 points
Essay demonstrates a lack of
reflection on, or personalization of,
the theories, concepts, and/or
strategies presented in the course
materials to date. Viewpoints and
interpretations are missing,
inappropriate, and/or unsupported.
Examples, when applicable, are not
Score of Depth of Reflection,
/ 1.5
Analysis & Evaluation
3 points
Essay skillfully breaks down the arguments, issues, or problems under discussion into relevant parts and also makes clear, incisive, and accurate connections between the parts. In addition, the essay astutely evaluates the quality of the arguments or positions defended and provides penetrating suggestions for how they can be improved or made logically stronger.
2.4 points
Essay successfully breaks the arguments, issues, or problems under discussion into relevant parts and makes some fairly accurate connections between the parts. Additionally, essay evaluates the quality of the arguments or positions defended. Includes some suggestions for improving the arguments or positions in question.
2.1 points
Essay breaks the arguments, issues, or problems under discussion into parts, but some parts may be missing or unclear. The connections between the parts are somewhat accurate, but some may be off-target. The essay makes some attempt at evaluating the arguments or positions in question, but this is partial and and remains at the surface level. No suggestions for improvement are offered.
1.65 points
Essay generally fails in breaking the arguments, issues, or problems under discussion into relevant or accurate parts. If there are connections between the parts, they are completely inaccurate. There is no attempt at evaluation, or if there is, it remains at the level author agreement or disagreement, with no further elaboration.
Score of Analysis & Evaluation,
/ 3
3 points
Response shows compelling
evidence of synthesis of ideas
presented and insights gained
throughout the entire course and
makes highly original and
penetrating interrelationships
between Russell’s thinking that of
other philosophers covered in the
2.4 points
Response shows clear evidence of
synthesis of ideas presented and
insights gained throughout the
entire course and makes
meaningful connections between
Russell’s thinking that of other
philosophers covered in the course.
2.1 points
Response shows some evidence of
synthesis of ideas presented and
insights gained through this week’s
readings, beginning to connect
concepts and themes in Russell’s
work with that of other
philosophers covered in the course.
1.65 points
Response shows little or no
evidence of synthesis of ideas
presented and insights gained
throughout the entire course and in
particular in this week’s readings.
Russell’s work is mentioned only in
passing or not at all.
Score of Synthesis,
/ 3
0.5 points
Writing is clear, concise, and well
organized with excellent sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are expressed in a
coherent and logical manner. Errors in spelling,
grammar, or syntax are absent or extremely minor and minimal in number. Comprehensibility and lucidity in word use and originality in phrasing make the essay a pleasure to read.
0.4 points
Writing is mostly clear, concise, and
well organized with good
sentence/paragraph construction.
Thoughts are expressed in a
coherent and logical manner. Errors in spelling,
grammar, or syntax are infrequent and not serious enough to affect comprehensibility.
0.35 points
Writing is unclear and/or
disorganized in many passages. Thoughts are not
expressed in a logical manner.
Errors in spelling,
grammar, or syntax are frequent enough to affect comprehensibility.
0.275 points
Writing throughout the essay is unclear and disorganized. Thoughts ramble and make little sense. Errors in spelling,
grammar, or syntax are numerous and serious enough to obscure meaning and occlude comprehensibilty.
Score of Structure,
/ 0.5
TotalScore of Russell Round Up Grading Rubric,
/ 10Overall Score
Exemplary9 points minimum
Proficient8 points minimum
Developing7 points minimum
Needs Improvement5.5 points minimum
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