1. Week#5’s discussion will look at Communicating Across Cultures. As you will r


1. Week#5’s discussion will look at Communicating Across Cultures. As you will read in Chapter #4, culture is the foundation of communication, and communication transmits culture. Keeping in mind those discussions and others referenced in our text, this essay will express your personal views with supporting information and must include the following points:
Culture’s affect on the process of attribution in communication. Please relate this to some experiences in your life.
Explain the differences between high- and low-context cultures, giving some examples. What are the differential effects on the communication process?
The requirements for the essay are as follows:
Minimum of 2 pages (not including Works Cited Page)
Works Cited Page to include at least:Course etextbook
One more book/article of your choice
2. Please select only one (1) of the following questions to discuss in a minimum of 100 words. Also, please remember to read and respond to at least one other student’s responses. 1) Discuss what an evoked set of brands is and why it is important for entrepreneurs to strive for that AND share an example of an evoked set of brands you hold for a specific category, e.g. beverages, fast food restaurants, etc. 2) Discuss how Claritas Prizm Premier lifestyle clusters can aid in segmentation and discuss the lifestyle group that most resembles you. 3) Discuss the differences between direct, indirect, and distant competition citing specific examples.


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