Please answer ONE of the following questions in an essay of 500-700 words. You


Please answer ONE of the following questions in an essay of 500-700 words. You must indicate what essay you are answering by the number (don’t copy the question into the essay). You must include citations, a Works Cited page, and be sure to give the author credit for his/her ideas, not just his/her statements.
For example: “Althusser states that the ruling class is kept in power through the use of ISAs and the RSA (34-35).” You can’t say the “ISA and RSA keep the ruling class in power”. This is not YOUR concept, but Althusser’s. Also, if you use a quote then you need to cite; i.e.: “Nations are both limited and sovereign” (Anderson 157). You may also use the Belton as desired. Be sure to answer all aspects of the question and include all authors’ works as required. You must give details from one or two films to support your argument and offer an analysis of those films through the work of the bolded authors.
Option 1: Intro/Hegemony
James Lull, quoting Stuart Hall, notes that hegemony is not necessarily an overt display of power, but is often more subversive: [The dominant class]sets the limits-mental and structural within which subordinate classes ‘live’ and make sense of their subordination in such a way as to sustain the dominance of those ruling over them.” (34) Relying on Lull, Althusser and potentially other authors from the first few weeks of the syllabus, explain how Top Gun: Maverick, Turning Red, India Sweets and Spices, OR Double Indemnity expose the nature and limits of hegemony and/or ideology.
Write only in present tense.
Double space your paper.
Use character names when discussing character actions and actor names, not the actor’s real name (I.E., if you’re writing about Threat Level Midnight, the main character is Michael Scarn, NOT Michael Scott.)
Always cite author ideas as well as quotations.
ALWAYS include a works cited page.
Italicize all film titles.
You will be docked points for every day it is late. All essays will be submitted through Turnitin to check for plagiarism, so don’t forget to cite your work where necessary.
Since each short essay is only 500-750 words, (1500 for the Capstone paper) I expect most of the writing to be your own. However, a Works Cited page is REQUIRED. You must cite all sources, including Belton, the required articles, and the movie. (Refer to MLA link for further reference).
No Sources are allowed other than those assigned for the course.
If you do not meet the minimum word requirement, the highest possible grade is the percentage of your word count. (For example, if the minimum is 500 and you write 400 the highest grade you could get – if the paper was perfect – would be 80%).


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