You will create a 5 step action plan similar to the information found on Center


You will create a 5 step action plan similar to the information found on Center on Developing Child: 5 Steps for Brain-Building Serve and ReturnLinks to an external site.. Be sure to watch the video that is part of this page or you can find it at: 5 Steps for Brain-building Serve and Return videoLinks to an external site.
Identify one developmentally appropriate scenario and describe how you would interact with the child following steps 1-5 of serve and return. 
The first step must start with a “serve”. The “serve” is always child initiated.
Describe each step with at least one paragraph. Make the description create a picture in the reader’s mind.
You may include pictures (optional)
Remember: You are writing about one developmentally appropriate scenario that has 5 steps! 


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