Protecting human research participants is of utmost importance. Even though your


Protecting human research participants is of utmost importance. Even though your change project will not be implemented in the field and you will not be engaging with human subjects in this context, it is still critical that all healthcare professionals have a solid foundation in patient rights and protections within the realm of research.
It is essential that all healthcare professionals, whether or not they are currently involved in research studies, remain aware of regulatory policies and updates such as the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human SubjectsLinks to an external site., or Common Rule, that will take effect January 2019.
Review the Frequently Asked Questions on Requirements for Education at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) link here: to an external site.
Download the PDF documents listed below. Read the detailed document by the NIH and then take the self-check quiz to check your understanding before completing this week’s assignment.
Protecting Human Research Participants Download Protecting Human Research Participants
Self-check QuizDownload Self-check Quiz
If you would like to review more information, you can go to the following link to view 12 recorded webinars related to Human Research Protection on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services YouTube channel: to an external site.
This week, reflect on what you learned from the NIH materials about protecting the rights of human research participants.
Discuss at least two of the following in your paper:
Describe the circumstances that influenced the need for a policy to protect human research subjects. Give examples of specific ways human research subjects can be harmed by researchers.
Identify three vulnerable populations and the special restrictions associated with human research among these groups. Evaluate the requirements and restrictions. Do you think they are adequate? Why or why not?
The Belmont Report summarizes the ethical principles and guidelines for research involving human subjects. Three core principles are identified: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Even though these principles are considered equal, prioritize them in order of importance to you. Explain your decisions.
Although you are not implementing a change project at this time, and you may not be directly involved in research as part of your professional responsibilities, explain the reasons why it is important for you to know about these rights and protections.
Your reflective paper should be two pages and written in current APA Style. ***USE THE LINKS PROVIDED TO GET INFORMATION **** Refer to the rubric for more information
NURS_691A_DE – NIH assignment rubric
NURS_691A_DE – NIH assignment rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
21 to >19.32 ptsAccomplished
The responses fully address all elements of at least two writing prompts. The responses provide detail and/or quality examples for each prompt. The responses present insightful, clear, and accurate connections to NIH policies, procedures, and history. The responses present personal reflection and/or a willingness to consider multiple possibilities.
19.32 to >17.22 ptsSatisfactory
The responses address all elements of at least two writing prompts, but may be vague or incomplete in some places. Some details or examples may not support the prompt(s) very well. The responses present accurate connections to NIH policies, procedures, and history. The responses present personal reflection and/or a willingness to consider multiple possibilities, but explanations may be vague or incomplete in some places.
17.22 to >12.6 ptsNeeds Improvement
One or more responses do not address all elements of at least two prompts. Details and examples may be missing, or are unclear. One or more responses do not present accurate connections to NIH policies, procedures, and history. One or more responses do not present personal reflection and/or a willingness to consider multiple possibilities.
12.6 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactory
The responses are inaccurate or unrelated to the prompts and/or several components of the prompts are not addressed. There are no details or examples.
21 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Writing
10.5 to >9.66 ptsAccomplished
There is a well-written, clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction provides an overview of the topic. The information in the body is relevant and presented in a logical order. The conclusion summarizes the topic and includes the writer’s thoughts on the subject. The writing is fluid and concise, and the word choice is excellent.
9.66 to >8.61 ptsSatisfactory
The introduction provides a general overview of the topic, but may be incomplete. The information in the body is mostly relevant and mostly presented in a logical order. The conclusion summarizes the topic, but may be brief, incomplete, or abrupt. The writing is clear, and the Word choice is satisfactory.
8.61 to >7.24 ptsNeeds Improvement
The introduction, body, and conclusion are not clear and distinct. The information in the body is not relevant, or is off topic. The information is not presented in a logical order. The conclusion is incomplete, off-topic, or missing.
7.24 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactory
There is no introduction, body, or conclusion. The assignment does not follow the required format.
10.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and APA Format
3.5 to >3.22 ptsAccomplished
The answers are well written throughout. Information is well organized and clearly communicated. The assignment is mostly free of spelling and grammatical errors. Information from sources is paraphrased appropriately and accurately referenced and cited in APA Style when applicable. The paper meets assignment length requirements.
3.22 to >2.87 ptsSatisfactory
Most answers are well written throughout. Information is well organized and clearly communicated. The assignment has a few spelling and grammatical errors. Most information from sources is paraphrased, referenced, and cited correctly in APA Style. The paper meets assignment length requirements.
2.87 to >2.42 ptsNeeds Improvement
Some answers are poorly written or lack clarity and/or organization. There are multiple spelling and grammatical errors. Information from sources is missing or improperly cited. The paper does not meet assignment length requirements.
2.42 to >0 ptsUnsatisfactory
Answers are not well written and lack clarity. Information is poorly organized. The assignment contains many spelling and grammatical errors. No attempt to follow the required format is indicated. The paper does not meet assignment length requirements.
3.5 pts
Total Points: 35


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