Task 1: Start Where the Population Is Assess positionality of self and populatio


Task 1: Start Where the Population Is Assess positionality of self and population by responding to the following: Identify the macro-level social, economic, cultural, or environmental condition and the focal population affected by it. Describe experiences you have had with members of this population group. Identify self-identities, attitudes, and biases you bring to this situation. Describe the strengths, vulnerabilities, and power imbalances faced by this population group. Demonstrate cultural humility by seeking the populations’ perspectives by responding to the following: Identify at least three key informants from the population of interest. Discuss how you will include diverse voices and perspectives in clearly stating the issues faced by the population. Task 2: Assess Impacts of Difference, Discrimination, and Oppression Assess discrimination and oppression for the focal population by responding to the following: Identify some of the stereotypes or generalizations that confront this population group. Describe how this population group has been discriminated against or oppressed. Describe ideologies or value structures and institutional policies or practices that have, or have had, an impact on the population group. Discuss whether members of the population group feel marginalized and, if so, why. Be sure to include how you know. Assess implications of intersectionality for the focal population by responding to the following: Discuss the dimensions of intersectionality within this population. Describe the issues of power, privilege, discrimination, and oppression identified by members of this population. Explain what frameworks are useful in understanding population dynamics. Task 3: Search Professional Knowledge Base Apply concepts and issues related to growth and development of the focal population by responding to the following: Provide references for at least eight academic and professional resources that support understanding of the focal population. Create an annotation for each reference that identifies: The theoretical frameworks used. Factors or characteristics presented that support greater understanding of the focal population, including human growth and development considerations. Assess impact of social relationships and structures by responding to the following: Describe structural and environmental forces affecting this population group. Describe theoretical frameworks that will help in understanding the interactions between members of the population and the larger social environment. Task 4: Develop Strategies for Authentic Engagement Synthesize best practice strategies and skills into a holistic plan to effectively prepare for action with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities by responding to the following: Identify those who have been (or will be) involved in identifying the need for change. Discuss at least two principles you will use to guide meaningful participation in the process. Describe at least two methods you might use to engage diverse population groups. Identify at least four specific allies, advocates, and/or accomplices of the population group. Note: Remember to be as detailed as possible in developing each section of your assignment. Be sure to include relevant academic and professional resources to support your narrative.


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