Evidence based practice is something that is very important to our practice as n


Evidence based practice is something that is very important to our practice as nurses. For my evidence-based practice project I chose to look further into daily sedation vacations on ventilated patients and its effect on ventilator associated pneumonia. In my research, I found that sedation vacations can lower the risk by up to 50% of acquiring ventilator associated pneumonia (Mehdi et al., 2016). With this ample amount of information, it is important to spread the knowledge. I thought of two different dissemination strategies that I would be inclined to use to spread the EBP information about how doing daily sedation vacations can reduce the risk of VAP in patients on mechanical ventilation. One way to spread the information is by having an in-service in your unit’s ICU for the nurses. Tucker et al., discuss how it is important to make sure that all leaders and staff are informed and knowledgeable about the new EBP implementation before it starts (2019). An in-service would be a great way to teach the nurses how daily sedation vacations work, as well as show them the facts as to how this can be beneficial to the patients. Another strategy could be getting an article published on the American Association of Critical Care Nurse’s website. This website is a good resource for ICU and other critical care nurses to learn more about up-to-date practices and stay informed. An informative infographic or article on their website could help to educate thousands. Two strategies that I would be least inclined to use are making an online education module and posting on social media. I would not make an education module because I feel like these can sometimes be easily skipped through. I would not be inclined to post on social media because I feel like this is not the most appropriate way to educate nurses while they are not at work. Two different barriers that might be encountered during the implementation of these could be that nurses in the ICU could be too busy to come to the in-service. Days in the ICU can be very hectic which could make coming to an in-service difficult. We could overcome this barrier by having multiple times for the nurses to attend the in-service, even if it needs to be a day off. A barrier that could set back getting on the AACN website is that it might be hard to get someone to publish our article on the website. This would take more research, but it could be a potential barrier. We could overcome this by emailing the publishers for the website to get more information and explaining our ideas to get them to work with us. These ways of dissemination and ways to overcome the barriers can be beneficial to help others learn about VAP and how daily sedation vacations can prevent it. As Gallagher-Ford et al. said, connecting to our learners in a collaborative way can help us to get across in the best way (2011).


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