Answer these two questions in 300 words in total: 1. Considering Mittell, how pe


Answer these two questions in 300 words in total:
1. Considering Mittell, how persuasive do you find his argument? What do you think the strengths and weaknesses of his argument are? Pick a TV show example and test it using Mittell’s arguments. How well does his argument explain the show?
2. Amanda D. Lotz argues that given the state of video content for streaming platforms today, the streaming industry now makes it hard to distinguish between movies and television series as industrial categories (16), even if those two categories have different histories and storytelling features. She specifies that she is talking about industry categories and that audiences might still experience film and TV as different things. What do you think of this argument? Do you think streaming content has blurred the distinction between film and TV in terms of industry categories? What about audiences? Do you think audiences experience film and TV as distinct or as the same thing?


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