After reading Olson Chapters 11, prepare a complete response to this prompt. Pia


After reading Olson Chapters 11, prepare a complete response to this prompt.
Piaget is a cognitive theorist… what does this mean? (e.g. what are the features of a cognitive theory and how does his theory meet the criterion?)
Describe the Piaget’s theory… what is the general premise?  How does it work? What does it rely on?
Summarize Piaget’s research studies (e.g. hypothesis, experimental conditions, IV, DV, general findings)
Also, describe the details. (e.g. stages, the order of the stages, the general age ranges, what develops in each stage, how does one recognize that ‘learning’ has happened, schema, assimilation, accommodation and equilibration/equilibrium, etc.)
What are the major criticisms of Piaget’s theory?
Source: An Introduction to Theories of Learning, 10th edition
Matthew H. Olson and B. R. Hergenhahn, Psychology Press


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