Lab 2: (Q1) Align the red IOLab cart while the IOLab software collects data fro


Lab 2: (Q1)
Align the red IOLab cart while the IOLab software collects data from the Magnetometer Sensor. This sensor will output data for x-, y-, and z-components of a magnetic field on any given trial that you run. The first kind of run you will be doing is:
1 run of the cart oriented so that the magnetic field of the earth registers a value only along the x-direction
Please note these rules when attempting to collect this data:
The sensor must be calibrated appropriately so that the other directions’ measurements zero out (you can re-calibrate your device by following the instructions listed on the gear icon > calibration > accel-magn-gyro page)
The values should be recorded before the alignment is complete and continued for at least 3 seconds when aligned
(Q2) With your data loaded into the graphing software, filter the data and make a scatterplot of the x-component of the magnetic field vs time. Perform this fit on the data:
On x-component vs time graph: Select the data that is nearly flat on the graph. Make a linear fit over this region using the linear regression tool in the spreadsheet software. Take note of the slope of the fit and the y-intercept.
Prepare answers to the following questions for your TA to be confirmed at the completion of the lab:
What is the slope and y-intercept of the linear fit to the flat region in the x-component vs time graph
Align the red IOLab cart while the IOLab software collects data from the Magnetometer Sensor. This sensor will output data for x-, y-, and z-components of a magnetic field on any given trial that you run. The second kind of run you will be doing is:
1 run of the cart lying flat on the table pointing in an arbitrary direction. Please note these rules when attempting to collect this data:
The sensor must be calibrated appropriately so that the other directions’ measurements zero out (you can re-calibrate your device by following the instructions listed on the gear icon > calibration > accel-magn-gyro page)
The values should be recorded before the alignment is complete and continued for at least 3 seconds when aligned
(question 4,5, and 6 will be attached as a screenshot due to equations cannot be copied)


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