Marketing Experiment: Plan and execute a mini marketing campaign for a fictional


Marketing Experiment: Plan and execute a mini marketing campaign for a fictional or existing hospitality business. This can be a social media campaign, influencer partnership, or any other innovative marketing strategy. NB: Campaign can take the forms of critical steps (with rationale) and does not HAVE to include design elements (logos, leaflets etc.) Breakdown Personal Engagement: Describe the mini marketing campaign you executed, the goals, and the intended outcomes (or achieved outcomes – if you really want to have fun with it). Emerging Trends & Their Impacts: Discuss three emerging trends in hospitality marketing, integrating what you learned from your interview or how your campaign experiment could be related to these trends. Case Study Analysis: Analyse a hospitality brand (can be the same as in your presentation) focusing on how/whether they’ve adapted to these emerging trends. Discuss the brand’s successes and failures. Personal Reflection and Application: Reflect on how the insights from the interview or experiment might influence your own career or future marketing strategies in the hospitality industry. Conclusion: Sum up your personalized insights and general findings, reiterating your Master’s-level perspective on the subject. Recommendations: Make personalized recommendations based on your findings and experience. These should be innovative approaches tailored for different scales of businesses.


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