Write case report summing up a skeletal analysis using provided analytical docum


Write case report summing up a skeletal analysis using provided analytical documents and images. The paper must be font size 12 Times New Roman, single spaced, and 1-inch margins. Course Materials: Warren MW et al. 2011 Bare Bones: A Survey of Forensic Anthropology. 2nd edition. Kendall Hunt Publishing.
detailed explanation of the assignment from the professor.
Hey everyone!
As I expected, I’ve been getting questions about the case report and a few issues keep coming up over and over, so I’m going to try and address those here. This is a really long post, but please make sure to read over this announcement carefully to see if this will answer some of your questions.
First, some people are still a bit confused about what the case is so let me clarify. Your job is to pretend to be an analyst who is summarizing case notes for a final report. I have provided the case notes- in the Case Report file, in the files tab. There are several PDFs that are basically standardized forms for documenting a case, already filled out. That is your case- the individual that those notes describe. Your job is to take those standardized forms and summarize them into one document. The layout of the document you need to create is in the Case Report file as well.
Remember that the goal is to summarize, because the notes are not in complete sentences necessarily and they will spread the information around a bit. As an example, lets look at the Age notes. Those notes list the methods (pubic symphysis, sternal rib, and teeth) and give the results of all three. But your summary should give a general conclusion and then lay out the specifics. For age, that would be something like “The decedent was an adult between 21 and 34. This was determined by…” and you summarize based on what is asked in the layout document.
Second, related to the first, is about how to identify the case. For the final report, the top has a few areas where you should list case numbers, MEO offices, etc. The Details document (which is basically the instructions) tells you to create your own lab and to use your name/make up an analyst. However, it does not mention about the numbers. You should have TWO numbers at the top of that page- the MEO case number and the “Agency” case number. While this is one case, it is in two different systems with different numbering conventions. For the MEO number, you should check the Receipt of Evidence document. For the “agency” case number, you can make up one or you can use the CAPHIL number. Make sure that you use whatever agency case number you have when referencing the case in the notes.
Third, and this is a shorter issue, is that you should not be using bullet points for this. The only place for bullet points is the skeletal inventory (under the Conditions of Remains section) where you should have a record of what is there.
Finally, the biggest issue has been the references. This seems to be confusing to a lot of people, and I can certainly understand why. Basically, in the notes the analyst listed the studies and papers that were used for various things. You are using those notes, which means that you already know what papers were referenced. For instance, if you look at all the aging methods listed in the Age notes page and come up with a total possible age range of 21-34 you need to list all the references on that page since all were utilized to come up with that age range (5 references in this case); if you wanted to only list the pubic symphysis aging method in your report for some reason you would only need to list Katz and Suchey 1986 and Brooks and Suchey 1990.
The reference list in the Details document provides the full bibliographic citation for each in-text citation you see in the notes, and was taken list from commonly referenced sources on reports. You can look more deeply into these sources if you want, but it should not be necessary for this assignment. Make sure that any in-text citation you use also have a full citation in the reference, and that only citations used in the text are in the references. Basically, I would not advise just copying the reference list off the details document and onto your own unless you are certain that you used all of them in your actual report.
Images work a bit differently. There should be no images in the main body of the report, but if you use an image you should reference in as Figure X and then have the image with a label and caption in the image section. For example, in the trauma section I may say “There is ballistic trauma associated with a GSW that … (Figure 1)” and then the reader can scroll down to find Figure 1 at the bottom with a caption that is more detailed like “Figure 1: Superior view of the cranium. Note the smaller, rounded entrance wound on the anterior frontal, and the corresponding larger exit wound with external beveling on right parietal/occipital”
A few final notes- make sure to carefully read through the layout notes (in red) and address all the questions. All the red text should be replaced in that document- including places where it says Agency in red at the top, where you should create an agency name.
Ok I hope you all made it to the end of this and I hope it helped any of you that were confused.
Rubric-Demonstrates clear and concise writing – correct in-text and reference style (as specified in “Case Study Details” document) -Demonstrates strong word choice and sentence variety (no repetition) – Size 12 Times New Roman Font, single-spaced, text color is black, references to figures/images in the report may also be done in parentheses at the end of a sentence. Bold the figure title in the sentence so that it stands out.
-Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the notes and the concepts given in the lectures -Supports diagnosis and opinions with strong arguments (explanation) and evidence (reference and images); -Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations clearly supported by the information given in the notes and concepts from the articles.
-Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements in the layout (agency case number; ME case number; District: all of the titles given in layout document; forensic analyst name; date; images).


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