Be sure to read the section from Rimer and Glanz above and the two supplemental


Be sure to read the section from Rimer and Glanz above and the two supplemental readings by Evans, Ramcharan, Ndetan, et al, and Marcina, Macrina, Hovath, et al. Before answering the question. Please use their examples in your response.
Discussion Question: Describe the interaction between the environment around us (social, physical, or political) and how it can either enhance the ability of a person to be healthy or inhibit it. Use examples from the readings below in your response.
Evans, M.W., Ramcharan, M, Ndetan, H., et al. (2009). Hand hygiene and treatment table sanitizing in chiropractic teaching institutions: Results of an education intervention to increase compliance. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 32: 469-476.
Theory at a Glance,  Part 2 Rimer and Glanz, (2005).


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