Memo AssignmentMemo Assignment You need to prepare two briefing memorandums. You


Memo AssignmentMemo Assignment
You need to prepare two briefing
memorandums. You can choose to write as a CEO for a corporation,
nonprofit, or government agency (you must pick two of the three for the
You are representing the CEO of XYZ corporation, nonprofit, or government agency. You will be writing to:
XYZ corporation CEO writes to employees
XYZ nonprofit CEO writes to volunteers
XYZ government agency CEO writes to employees
Here are the set of facts for the memorandums:
You are facing a steep economic downturn and need to let employees know
that their 401(k) benefits are being reduced by 5% for the upcoming
year until profitability of the company stabilizes. You will also be
hiking the average price of the widgets you sell, your main product in
stores. You will increase widget pricing by 10% over the next year.
Your organization is facing security concerns for its volunteers.
Recently, there has been a recurring string of violence in the area
which your volunteers serve. You are writing to notify them of these
happenings, and to detail the measures you are putting in place to keep
them safe. The organization’s efforts include hiring additional security
personnel for volunteer shifts, coordinating safety measures with local
police, and chaperoning volunteers to and from public transportation
each day.
Government agency: You are writing to help set
expectations and reinforce procedures to employees for the upcoming
Peace Day March on Main Street. You want to ensure employees read the
staff handbook on public marches, arrive early to their staffing spots,
and maintain discipline and safety regardless of their personal opinions
of the march or marchers.
Ensure you have clear sections on TO,
FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT. You may add fictitious information as needed,
but don’t spend too much time on this.
Each memo should:
Address the specified audience(s)
Address the described situation(s)
Have clear goal(s) of the memo, detail(s) of what needs to be communicated, call(s)-to-action, and closing.


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