This company of choice must have raised significant early-stage funding in the l


This company of choice must have raised significant early-stage funding in the last 18 months.
In your own words, describe the company in 2 pages (double-spaced, font size 12pt) by answering the following questions referencing the ‘FinTech Explained Lens’ (Chapter 1 page 9-14). In addition, analyze the FinTech in terms of the four assessments covered in lecture 2 (Speed, Accuracy, Connectivity and Security)
Why do you choose this company?
What is their value proposition?
Describe the products or services this company provides
Who are the target customers?
What was it like before this tech was available?
Who are the competitors in this space?
What are the challenges in growing the company?
Are there any social or ethical dilemmas created with the tech? And how does the company mitigate them?
Are there any legal or regulatory risks for this tech?
What is the future growth strategy?
If you had the early opportunity, would you invest in this company? Why? Or Why not?
You are not limited to these ideas. Please use proper citation methods to avoid plagiarism.


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