Quoting from the essays from ch. 22 is required for your own paper, Essay 1. You


Quoting from the essays from ch. 22 is required for your own paper, Essay 1. You have a whole week to write tghe first draft of Essay 1. Follow all the instructions and requirements for the first draft closely. Start working early, using the readings as well as your own ideas from the Packback discussions. You must have it as a separate document and post it in Discussions (D2L) as an attachment for peer review. The target length is – min 850 words (for the final draft – min 1000 words). References to the assigned essays from Ch. 22 in They Say and Norton are required, min four quotes, from four different essays, with correct integration and documentation. See Ch. 53 in Norton, pp 567+ # 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15. Your peers can help you with that as well. Format the paper exactly the way it is shown on p. 608, Ch. 53 (“Sample Research Paper”), The Norton Field Guide. The draft will be evaluated at 0 if the draft requirements are not fulfilled. [Not Mandatory: If you are adventurous, you can work directly in Packback (but make sure to have a separate copy to post in D2L) using its AI suggestions for assistance and your ideas as well as the readings. Packback module- on the left – Packback Deep Dives – Assignments]. Submit to Discussions in D2L as an attachment. The link is below and also in the submodule “Essay 1” in the current module, or from the Collaboration tab – scroll to Discussions, Essay 1. First, click on Start a New Thread and post your draft as an attachment (use the ‘Add attachments’ button). Do not use .pages format. If you have a hard time starting, revisit Ch. 28 Generating Ideas and Text and Ch. 30 Drafting in The Norton Guide. It has lots of ideas on how to get out of writer’s block. And remember – you do not have to start your work with formulating the thesis – you can write it later, when you have already developed some content and can see the point more clearly yourself.


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