Prepare (in good form) a research memorandum to the file. As this is a memo and


Prepare (in good form) a research memorandum to the file.
As this is a memo and not a formal writing assignment, current edition APA format is not required. Furthermore, there is no need to submit a title page or research page. Just substitute “Your Firm” at the top of the memo with your full name.
Snidely Limited spent $1 million this year to upgrade its manufacturing plant, which had received several warnings from the state environmental agency about releasing pollution into the local river. Late in the year, Snidely received an assessment of $700,000 for violating the state’s Clean Water Act. After he negotiated with the state, which cost $135,000 in legal fees, Snidely promised to spend another $200,000 next year for more pollution-control devices, and the fine was reduced to $450,000. How much of these expenditures can Snidely Limited deduct for tax purposes?
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. Please include references and citation.


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