reply to each post with 100 words as if you are me and reply hello (person name)


reply to each post with 100 words as if you are me and reply hello (person name)
no generic replies. Each reply should have seprate references 
post 1
Amy Wayda posted Jul 1, 2024 11:52 AM
Part A: 
Hey everyone! My name is Amy Wayda and I am an Army Veteran and a single mom of a 7 year old little boy and a 6 year old little girl. I am from Levittown, Pa, but currently residing in Downingtown, Pa. I enjoy hanging out with my children and watching them play sports. I also play softball myself. I enjoy going to the gym, being outdoors and spending time with my friends and extended family. My goals for getting my masters in psychology is to further my understanding of the research side of the field and then go into learning more about the counseling side of it. My longterm goal is to get my counseling certification/degree and work with combat veterans within the local VA. Good luck during this session everyone! 
Part B:
a) Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term that describes the discomfort experienced when holding two conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors simultaneously. According to Leon Festinger’s theory, individuals are motivated to reduce this discomfort by either changing their beliefs or behaviors, or by justifying or rationalizing them.
b) Cognitive dissonance has been studied in various ways. One classic experiment demonstrating cognitive dissonance is Festinger and Carlsmith’s (1959) study, where participants were asked to perform a series of dull and boring tasks. Afterward, they were paid either $1 or $20 to tell another participant (who was actually a confederate) that the tasks were enjoyable and interesting. Those paid $1 experienced greater cognitive dissonance because they had insufficient external justification for lying and thus adjusted their attitude to align with their behavior more strongly than those paid $20.
c) The impact of cognitive dissonance research has been significant in understanding human behavior, persuasion, decision-making, and attitude change. It has practical applications in areas such as marketing, where understanding how consumers rationalize their choices can inform advertising strategies. Additionally, it has implications in psychology and therapy, as understanding cognitive dissonance can help therapists guide individuals through changes in attitudes and behaviors. Overall, cognitive dissonance research has provided valuable insights into the complexities of human cognition and behavior.
Kamiya, A. (2023, November 21). Cognitive dissonance experiment. Cognitive Dissonance Experiment by Leon Festinger.
Post 2
Anna Santacroce posted Jul 1, 2024 9:22 PM
Part A: Introduction to the Class
Good evening. My name is Anna- Anna Santacroce. I hold a Bachelor degree from Florida Atlantic University (F.A.U.). I just finished up my third course in the Master’s of Arts in Sociology sequence. This will be the fourth course in the sequence that I’m undertaking. I work as a reading tutor for Big Brothers Big Sisters READS. I will complete my fourth year at the end of July. I’ve lived in Fort Pierce, FL for the past 5 years. My current goals involve conducting a plethora of social science research projects, qualitative and quantitative research reports. I intend to continue in following the Master’s of Arts in Sociology path; and the U.C.L.A. Extension online journalism certificate path. In fact, I have a zoom meeting for this class, later this evening. My learning goals for this class are to master the quantitative research. I hope to work on quantitative research in the field of urban and regional planning, sustainability (and the social institution of government), the social institution of education. By the end of the week, I will have accrued enough hours to achieve a third Segal Americorps Education Award. I hope to write a column for the T.C. Palm entitled, Women at Work.
Part B: Constructs
a.) The name and explanation of a construct
Is one authored by Monika K. Sumra and Michael A. Schillaci: Stress and the Multiple-Role Woman: Taking a Closer Look at the “Superwoman”, from Plos One.
The construct consisted of a sample of 308 women in North America studying the correlation between work/life goals and perceived stress and life satisfaction. According to the study, there was little correlation between role engagement and perceived stress; but there had been a positive correlation between role engagement and life satisfaction. It’s just a hunch that the roles taken on as types of labor – have to do with stress levels. I just have a hunch that there are types of labor that would be too difficult for some; even outside of individuals’ sets of skills, or abilities. It could likely be proven that cortisol (the stress hormone) rises when a person who feels there are no other choices and takes on tasks that are too difficult. Some would likely perform excellently in some functions, where cortisol levels would lower or decrease.
b.) How the construct has been studied
The construct had been studied been studied by studying participants (working women in North America, a sample of 308 women) – correlating their work/life functions and stress levels.. Between April 2012 and June, 2013 a questionnaire was designed and made available to women. Using, women aged 18 and older answered 85 questions to assess the following perceptions:
Stress, social capital, life satisfaction, demographic information such as income, age group, education and hours of employment. Seven categories contributed to both the intensity of multiple role engagement- and how the intensity is reflected in perceived and or physiological stress among women. Roles include: wife, mother, student, worker/employee, homemaker, volunteer, caregiver (of parent, family member, or child). Stress was measured through testing cortisol samples through hair and urine.
c.) The impact of this research
The research from a nonparametric correlation analysis showed that there had been no significant relationship between role engagement and perceived stress; yet there was correlation between role engagement and life satisfaction. Perceived stress exhibited significant correlations with role satisfaction, combined income, age category, and frequency of exercise and sex. Nonparametric statistics refer to a statistical method in which the data are not assumed to come from prescribed models that are determined by a small number of parameters (Grant, 2021).
I plan to write an ongoing column, entitled Women at Work, for the Treasure Coast Palm. One of the continuing interview related questions will include, “what are the roles, or role sets you, as a working woman take on”? Other questions will include perceptions of the glass ceiling, lengths of commutes, and how education is applied to work. Education comes from schooling and from everyday life.
The study included nonparametric testing. Two roles outside of the parameters involved in the above mentioned construct, I plan to include in interviews for Women at Work are those of commuter and healthcare user.
“Statistical fundamentals include random variables,  probability distributions, parameters, population, sample, sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem (Hoskins, T.)”.
“Parametric and nonparametric are two broad classifications of statistical procedures. Parametric tests are based on assumptions about the distribution of the underlying population from which the sample was taken. The most common parametric assumption is that data are approximately normally distributed. Nonparametric tests do not rely on assumptions about the shape or parameters of the underlying population distribution” (Hoskins, T.)
Grant, Mitchell. 2021. Nonparametric Statistics: Overview, Types and Examples. Investopedia.
Hoskins, Tanya. Parametric and NonParametric: Demystifying the Terms. Mayo Clinic Department of Health Services.
Sumra, Monika K. and Michael A. Schillaci. 2015. Stress and the Multiple-Role Woman: Taking a Closer Look at the “Superwoman”. Plos One.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120952
Part B:
Here is an example of a second construct:
a.) The Interaction Between Language and Working Memory (A Systematic Review of fMRI Studies in the Past Two Decades)–By Zoha Deldar, Carlos Geyers-Montoro, Ali Khatibi, Landand Ghazi-Said. 
According to the study, cognitive and neural processes of language and its interaction with other higher cognitive domain is important for the following three reasons:
1.) The study works to help how healthy brains function
2.) The study will help participants to learn a new language
3. ) Knowledge can help better define pathological signs and symptoms, develop better tools for assessment and more successful interventions
b.) How the Construct is Studied
The construct named above, The Interaction Between Language and Working Memory: A Systematic Review of fMRI Studies in the Past Two Decades, was the outcome of the study between language and working memory. Language as a form of verbal communication was described.
Language-related components like content, syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology, and pragmatics were used in the study. Components listed, in context with modalities like speaking, listening, reading, and writing were discussed. Perspectives of studying language include: linguistics, psycholinguistics, and neurolinguistics were discussed. 
Working memory: domains of higher cognition- including memory, executive function, visuospatial processing, attention and language were discussed.
Participants’ nervous systems were studied through M.R.I.’s Studies using language based and working memory-based methodologies were used, correlative to aims of studies based on brain activity. 
c.) The impact of the study
Showed that language plays a crucial role in higher cognition and just as much in learning. The extensive body of neuroimaging research on language processes provides reasoning, evidence that processing different linguistic tasks; and the brain regions involved can be dynamic. 
“Language is an important part of higher cognition and plays a crucial role in learning. The extensive body of behavioral and neuroimaging research on language processes brings evidence that processing different linguistic tasks and the brain regions involved in their processing can be dynamic (for reviews see [15],[139]–[141]). Working memory allows the mind, or brain to hold information while completing language tasks, language comprehension, language production, and the storage information into long-term memory (Deldar, Z. 2021)”.
Variables that I have been using and will continue to use for a similar study include:
The science of differentiating/contrasting and comparing/finding similarities 
Word sorting/word differentiating
Two words begin with the same letter second letter creates a different sound
Beginning, Middle and End
Sounds come from the same word but different sounds 
Spell, letter sounds, Syllable types and counts
Comparing and Contrasting what letter sounds (phonemes) and syllable types make long vowel sounds
B/T pronouns-subject, object, reflective 
Singular, plural as similarities 
Working memory- chronological order, orders of events using history based books 
Q 5- fruit and vegetable consumption  
Competes against self or others
Tutoring others
Student: teacher/ instructor ratios, per class, grade, school, district
Q patterns of asking questions about comparing/contrasting, memory skills, durations of time 
Abilities to differentiate/contrast and compare in other subjects-life taxonomy, history -dates and years, anatomies of plots 
Q Visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic learning.
Out of school time-Library System, signing up for library cards, 
Upload books onto library and school databases 
International phoneme chart share.
Deldar, Zoha, Carlos-Gevers-Montoro, Ali Khatibi, Ladan Ghazi-Saidi. 2021. The Interaction   Between Language and Working Memory: A Systematic Review of fMRI Studies in The Past Two Decades. AIMS Neuroscience. Volume 8(1); 2021. Doi:     10.3934/Neuroscience.2021001.,Resonance%20Imaging%20%28fMRI%29%20in%20the%20past%20two%20decades
post 3
Manuel Cazares posted Jul 1, 2024 11:59 PM
Part A
Hello Dr. Mandernach and fellow classmates! My name is Manuel Cazares, but everyone calls me Manny. I was born and raised in San Jose CA, and currently reside in Seaside CA. With time, a post-degree attained through this master’s program will equip me with the knowledge and tools to be involved in what I truly aspire to do/help, and that is to be more involved in my county’s crisis intervention team, as more than just a peace officer performing patrol duties. I want to take my knowledge of patrol and psychology to help establish better guidelines, standard operating procedures, and policies for citizens in crisis. My ultimate goal is to give back and provide quality service to the community.       
In this course, I hope to gain a better understanding of how to translate observations into research and how to analyze research designs to identify their benefits and limitations. On my spare time, I enjoy working on my car, fishing, target shooting, working out, and hanging out with my family.  
Part B
The Common Cold Project assessed psychological and social constructs across five cold studies, by means of but not limited to questionnaires and phone interviews (The Common Cold Project, 2024).  The purpose of synthesizing the five cold studies was to link numerous variables as the cause of colds/illnesses developing in humans. The project included numerous characteristics, one being stress, more specifically, perceived stress during childhood and adolescence. Researchers used a 6-point response scale and asked participants to rate their level of stress compared to other people their age. 
Moreover, the participants were asked to rate their level of stress throughout three age groups (Perceived Stress During Childhood and Adolescence, 2024). This study was just one piece in the culmination of analyzing and assessing the human body’s response to virus exposure.   
Percieved Stress During Childhood and Adolescence. (2024). Retrieved from Carnagie Mellon University :
The Common Cold Project. (2024). Retrieved from Carnagie Mellon University :,)%20and%20personality%20(e.g.%20extraversion%2C


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