Your subject for the informative and argument essays should meet the following:


Your subject for the informative and argument essays should meet the following:
Sufficient research exists on the topic
You have a personal interest in the subject
You can adequately address this topic within the length requirement (in other words, the subject is not too broad or too narrow)
You can identify a problem related to your topic and an arguable solution to that problem
Consider choosing a topic that is relevant to you in some way: it has affected you or someone in your community, is a local issue, or is a debate or discussion within your degree area or future career.
750-1,000 words, plus a Works Cited page
Modern Language Association (MLA) style used for in-text (parenthetical) citations and Works Cited page (see Chapter 53: MLA Style)
Minimum of four research sources must be used in the paper, with quotations or paraphrases from your sources used in the body paragraphs. 
topic- For my informative and argumentative Essay, I will focus on El Salvador’s history and discuss the controversy surrounding how the President is handling the infestation of gangs in our country.
I am discussing the controversy surrounding how the President of El Salvador is handling the infestation of gangs in the country. This topic is important because gang violence has had a profound impact on Salvadoran society, influencing security policies, human rights, and perceptions of governance effectiveness. As for my sources, I think I will be able to find a lot. we will only be doing the informative part for this.


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