I’ll upload PDFs of the readings for this question. I need plenty of external on


I’ll upload PDFs of the readings for this question. I need plenty of external ones as well. For an essay of this length, I would require 30 as a minimum realistically. 
But 1 or 2 references to those themes should suffice. I also can use the readings I’ve attached but in 2 or 3 paragraphs, while I can reference those readings, the paragraphs should focus on and use other references that you can find as the main argument in those paragraphs. That to say, I can’t rely too heavily on the readings on the reading list. 
I usually make references to anthropology or sociology in my writing so it would be really great if you can incorporate that. You don’t have to reference every reading I have provided. Only reference them if they are relevent to your arguments. And there should be at least 4 references in there to social movements around the topic of the essay question. My degree requires Harvard referencing, done thoroughly. I’ll also attach the powerpoint for this essay question to give you an idea of what themes the essay would like you to reference. I’ve also attached examples of essays I’ve written before for different modules hoping they will give you an idea of how I write and structure things typically. The module is called ‘The political economy of social movements’ if that’s any help at all. 


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