1. Draw a data to conclude the project using the attachments. 2. Summative Rep


1. Draw a data to conclude the project using the attachments. 2. Summative Report: The purpose of this assignment is to develop a final written report that includes a description of accomplishments to date and evaluation of the project. Even so, the paper will provide a good summary of work done to date and you might be encouraged to continue with the project with the idea of publishing the final work. The Summative Report is designed to employ elements developed as assignments earlier in the semester and much of that work can be repurposed for this report. The evaluation portions (results, discussion, conclusions) will be new academic reflections based on the applied practice experiences.
Please refer to the HCA620-Summative Report Format Guide_2021 (attached). 3. For this assignment, you will need to refer to the Portfolio Guide.
During your studies you have completed a number of assignments that would be appropriate for inclusion in a professional portfolio. In addition, much of what you are doing for your Applied Practice experience can be included as examples of your work. The format of the portfolio follows the College Competencies and the aim of the portfolio project is to identify work that exemplifies your best effort to achieve a particular competency. Refer to the Portfolio Guide for the mapping of course deliverables to specific competencies as well as detailed instructions for building a portfolio. You may use any software product you choose to construct your portfolio. The attached portfolio guide will give you explicit instructions (in Appendix C) on creating your portfolio and sharing your portfolio with me. If you choose to use another software product to create your portfolio, PLEASE make sure that I will be able to open it. Have someone else test this before sharing it with me.
Clarifications regarding the Portfolio:
You may use whatever tool you’d like to build your Portfolio (e.g. Canvas, OneNote, College Central Network, etc.). Just please make sure that you can share your final product with me.
Letters of reference/recommendation are *optional.*


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